Subject: Re: Release cycles
To: David Maxwell <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/06/1997 01:44:21
On November 5, you wrote:
> > >|Unfortunately no NetBSD formal release has been truely stable, even, or
> NetBSD is darn stable in -current most of the time. I don't think I've ever
> had a problem with a release version that didn't turn out to be my fault
> (configuration/hardware).
> Any examples to be had here?

  Just my $0.02...I run NetBSD releases on several platforms and find
them to be very stable.  I don't use Intel hardware, but I run release
code on lots of sparc, pmax, and alpha machines in various
environments with excellent results.

  If someone were to walk up to me and say "NetBSD is unreliable" I'd
ask him to share his crack pipe.


/* Dave McGuire                                    */
/*, */
/* Me:    "Thalx, man...sit down..."               */
/* Thalx: "I...I can't!"                           */