Subject: Re: NetBSD logo
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/02/1997 09:46:23
>>>>> "TL" == Ted Lemon <> writes:
>>>>> "JG" == "Justin T. Gibbs" <> writes:

JG> If you think that penguins are innocent creatures, I guess you haven't
JG> seen Wallace and Grommet in "The Wrong Trousers."

TL> Well, yes, but that was a *sinister* penguin...

JG> Don't you think that an "Have you seen this Chicken??" would make a
JG> greate anti-Linux shirt. 8-)

TL> If only we could be assured that somebody would get it...

Not a chance--all my friends knew who I was in my Halloween costume,
complete with a red rooster comb and pink penguin feet.  I'll put
pictures on my web pages once I get them scanned in....

==John Kohl <>, <>
See also <>
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