Subject: Re: CDROMs
To: Gordon W. Ross <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/01/1997 20:44:08
> CDs are cheap.  Make one with tons o' sources, and then
> one more for each architecture with binaries (or maybe
> just the ones with a relatively large user base...)
 You obviously have no idea about the costs of not only creating a CD-ROM
(cheapest part) but to distribute and taking the risk, not speaking of 
daring the money. 

 How many CD-ROMs would you dare to order from the CD-ROM Manufacturer
(pressing machine)?

 Which architecture to start with? Which to follow?

 Pardon my tongue, but it gives me the creeps when people start talking
like you.

Markus Illenseer
PS: You really could strip the To: and Cc:, could you?