Subject: Re: What to do to widespread NetBSD ? (Was: Re: RealAudio)
To: Phil Nelson <>
From: Tom T. Thai <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/31/1997 13:14:29
On Fri, 31 Oct 1997, Phil Nelson wrote:
> >I'll put up another site for and if everyone likes it,
> >just cname it to here.
> Why don't you work to improve the site we have. It was a cooperative effort
> to get it to where it is now and we need people willing to update and improve
> the site. There is no reason to start again from scratch.
I did send an email to the webmaster about 2 months ago, and still no
.............. ....................................
Thomas T. Thai Infomedia Interactive Communications TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087