Subject: Re: NOMAN
To: der Mouse <>
From: Erik Bertelsen <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/30/1997 08:53:31
On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, der Mouse wrote:

.. > You didn't make sure your .mk files were up to date.
.. >> ===> share/man/man1
.. >> ===> share/man/man1/man1.atari
.. >> make: don't know how to make all. Stop
.. >> *** Error code 2
.. While this is an accurate response - it is true that I did not check my
.. .mk files against the latest sup - it turns out it is not a helpful
.. response.  I have now updated /usr/src/share/mk from this morning's sup
.. (the only files changed were own, port, and subdir).  I then ran "make

der Mouse is not alone -- I'm seeing this problem on several machines,
and to the best of my knowledge, my sources are up-to-date, including

- Erik