Subject: Re: libedit q
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jaromir Dolecek <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/15/1997 02:28:53
Jason Thorpe wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Sep 1997 22:34:34 +0200 (MET DST)
> Jaromir Dolecek <> wrote:
> > What's the main reason why we have not picked GNU readline ?
> > Because readline is GNU ?
> GPL is one of the reasons... the other is that we have libedit, which
> provides equivalent functionality.
> It might be cool to write a readline compatibility front-end to libedit..
Oh, it might be _really_ cool; I've thought it would be nice for these
two libs to be more compatible, but have not found out it's possible
to "just" provide front-end ;-). I've been going to try to
add support for libedit to python (as I don't like to have two
line-editing libs on one system and kinda miss line editing while
trying look&feel of python), so I may try to do the front-end
instead ;-)
Actually, I don't thing it would be _too_ hard, at least when
speaking just about line editing and history (is it worth doing
more ?).
It's possible I'll manage to find some free time this week(end), so I can give
it a try ;-b
Jaromir Dolecek ICS MU, Botanicka 68A, Brno, 60200, Czech Rep. Tel.: +42-5-4151 2280
It is better never to have been born. But who among us has such luck?
One in a million, perhaps.
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ale v dobré náladě pokračovat v chybování.