Subject: Mr. Koji Imada... (Re: patch for 640M MO)
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None < (MINOURA Makoto />
List: current-users
Date: 09/05/1997 01:21:19
I'm sorry that I have to inform you a sad news.

Mr. Koji Imada, who has contributed very much to the
development of NetBSD especially on this non 512-byte block
device problem, was killed by a motorcycle accident on
Aug. 30.
We have to continue the discussion on this problem without
him, which I believe will obey his will.

Note that you can give him a condolence via WWW page at
This page is written in Japanese, and has 4 text boxes for
your real name, title, E-mail address, and your message

MINOURA, Makoto <> or <>