Subject: config and swap
To: NetBSD -current Mailing List <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean Sweda <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/19/1997 19:44:20
Is it still necessary to specifiy which devices should be used for
swap in the kernel config directive (used to be "swap on xxx" or
something like that). I've looked around in the man pages but
I can't find anything definitive. Does "swapctl" now have control
over this rather than the kernel config file? If you still have
to config it, what is the syntax?
Sorry if this was big news a while back and I missed it, I haven't
had time to track -current until recently. :-)
Sean Sweda : Owner, Motor City Marauders : 1994 Internet Baseball League Champs :