Subject: Re: Changelog -> mailinglist?
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Rick Byers <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/09/1997 00:02:19

I know this thread is extremely old, but I've been away for a month and
now I'm catching up :)

Anyway, I wrote a little perl program that takes the source-changes list
as input (from a procmail filter), and creates a more logical (IMHO)
output.  Primarily, this is so I can glance over the subject list to see
if I'm interested (instead of having to look at every message).  It's not
perfect (actually, it might not even be better - you be the judge), as it
creates a LOT of messages, but I find it handy.  I'm not much of a
perl programmer (but I figured it was the perfect language for the
job), so please forgive the code.  Here it is, hope it helps:


@ARGV = ('-') unless @ARGV;

foreach $file(@ARGV)
    $mode = 1;

    open(INPUT, $file) || die("Can't open $file");
    while( $line = <INPUT> )
	$line =~ s/\n//;

	if( $line =~ /^From / )
	    $path = $line;
	    if( $mode )
	    $mode = 0;    #  header mode 

	if( $mode == 10 )   # text mode
	    # if it appears to be the end of the log then it's really mode 1
	    if( $blankline == 1 && $line =~ /^[a-z]+$/ )
		$mode = 1;
		if( $line =~ /^\s*$/ )    # blank line

	if( $mode == 0 )    # header mode
	    if( $line =~ /^\s*$/ )    # blank line
		$mode = 1;   # message mode
	elsif( $mode == 1 )    # username line
	    if( $line !~ /^\s*$/ )    # don't print blank lines
		$user = $line;
	elsif( $mode == 2 )    # date line
	    if( $line !~ /^\s*$/ )
		$date = $line;
	elsif( $mode == 3 )    # update line
	    if( $line !~ /^\s*$/ )
		$update=~ s%^Update of.*/cvsroot/%%;
		$mode++;      # 'in directory' mode
	elsif( $mode == 4 )   # 'in directory' mode
	    if( $line =~ /^In directory/ )
		<INPUT>;     # absorb next blank line

		$mode = 10;    # text mode
		printf("From: $user <source\>\n");
		printf("Date: $date\n");
		printf("Subject: $update\n");
    close INPUT;
    if( $mode != 10 )
	die ("Unexpected EOF");

On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, Jukka Marin wrote:

> Dear All,
> This may have been asked before, but..  How about posting a list of changes
> to current-users daily?  There's this mail which lists all files which
> have changed, but it doesn't actually tell me all that much..  It would be
> interesting to see what has changed (to know when it's worthwile to grab
> the latest source) and just to see what kind of things are being worked on.
> How does it sound?  I don't run -current at the moment, but I'd still be
> interested in knowing about the current developments.
> Thanks,
>   -jm
> -- 
>                        1503 kHz @ 22:30 EET DST Mon-Fri
>                      ---> <---

Rick Byers                                      Internet Access Worldwide                                System Admin, Tech Support
Welland, Ontario, Canada                                    (905)714-1400