Subject: Re: Beware of stale executables in /bin and /sbin
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alexis Rosen <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/06/1997 02:27:21
> Another thing to look for after 'make build' is files that are *older*
> than the build.  For example, I rebuilt on Aug 2, and doing something
> like: 'ls -l /*bin /usr/*bin | grep -v "Aug  2"' which will show any "old"
> files that either didn't get updated, or don't really belong.

You're probably better off identifying the earliest file installed (or,
much easier, touch a marker file just before you start installing) and then
use find with "! -newer <earliest-file>".


Alexis Rosen   Owner/Sysadmin,
PANIX Public Access Unix & Internet, NYC.