Subject: Bootstrapping sup?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Boven <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/29/1997 09:16:38
Hi everyone,

With some extra diskspace, I've now gotten all the source for NetBSD
online, from the 26th of juli. However, if I want to SUP, it will
start somewhere way back in 1996, and never get anywhere. Touching
or removing the when-file for "src" didn't help, either, and I can't
seem to find an option in sup to set up a certain starting-date. How
do I convince sup to start from a certain date?

Regards, Paul.
Paul Boven, <>  PE1NUT  QRV 145.575 JO32KF
          Lynx users have a "Right to follow a link", too!