Subject: Re: pwdb busy
To: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/28/1997 01:08:24
Consider me the volunteer unless nobody has volunteered to do so.
"Perry E. Metzger" sez:
* This proposal is more or less exactly what I would suggest.
* Now if someone will only write it. :)
* Perry
[I had said]:
* >
* > The ONLY program that should ever create ptmp as an active lock AND HOLD
* > IT FOR ANY AMOUNT OF TIME should be vipw. Other programs which need
* > ptmp should batch the input (i.e. wait until the user's done) and only
* > create ptmp when the data is ready, i.e.
* >
* > 1. user edits data
* > 2. user quits
* > 3. chsh/chfn/passwd filters data from vi tmp file (NOT ptmp!)
* > and mixes existing passwd data with requested change data.
* > _THIS_ is what comprises ptmp for a very short period of time.
* > 4. ptmp moves to master.passwd
* > 5. old compat passwd file is derived from master.passwd
* > 6. pwd_mkdb is run
* >
* > ...or am I missing something?
"I am Buzz Lightyear, ->SPACE RANGER<-"
"You are a TOY! T-O-Y: TOY!"