Subject: Re: termcap's xterm
To: None <, current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Olaf Seibert <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/26/1997 14:51:36
>> Upgrade or use the xterm-old entry :-) The new xterm is a lot better.

Paul Kranenburg <> wrote:
>So, I installed X11R6.3 ... same results.
>I dug a little further: the culprits are the End Underline (`ue=\E[24m') and
>End Standout (`se=\E[27m'). I don't know where these come from, but they
>are certainly not defined in the `Xterm Control Sequences' document.

Hm, from XFree86 3.3's /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/ctlseqs.txt:

                        Xterm Control Sequences

                               Edward Moy
                   University of California, Berkeley

                               Revised by

                             Stephen Gildea
                          X Consortium (1994)

                             Thomas Dickey
                         XFree86 Project (1996)

CSI Pm m       Character Attributes (SGR)
                 Ps = 0  -> Normal (default)
                 Ps = 1  -> Bold
                 Ps = 4  -> Underlined
                 Ps = 5  -> Blink (appears as Bold)
                 Ps = 7  -> Inverse
                 Ps = 2 2  -> Normal (neither bold nor faint)
                 Ps = 2 4  -> Not underlined
                 Ps = 2 5  -> Steady (not blinking)
                 Ps = 2 7  -> Positive (not inverse)
                 Ps = 3 0  -> Set foreground color to Black
                 Ps = 3 1  -> Set foreground color to Red
                 Ps = 3 2  -> Set foreground color to Green
                 Ps = 3 3  -> Set foreground color to Yellow
                 Ps = 3 4  -> Set foreground color to Blue
                 Ps = 3 5  -> Set foreground color to Magenta
                 Ps = 3 7  -> Set foreground color to Cyan
                 Ps = 3 7  -> Set foreground color to White
                 Ps = 3 9  -> Set foreground color to default (original)
                 Ps = 4 0  -> Set background color to Black
                 Ps = 4 1  -> Set background color to Red
                 Ps = 4 2  -> Set background color to Green
                 Ps = 4 3  -> Set background color to Yellow
                 Ps = 4 4  -> Set background color to Blue
                 Ps = 4 5  -> Set background color to Magenta
                 Ps = 4 6  -> Set background color to Cyan
                 Ps = 4 7  -> Set background color to White
                 Ps = 4 9  -> Set background color to default (origi-

Yes, it does do colour now. Use
/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/isa/pcvt/Util/demo/colors.vt to verify that.

Would the standard X11R6.3's xterm differ from XFree86's version?

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert      D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96 
\X/ It's not easy having a good time