Subject: Streamer problem
To: Current NetBSD <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eric Delcamp <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/25/1997 11:23:51

I have not found this problem on the FAQ, so :

When trying to use my streamer on NetBSD/Amiga, I got theses messages :
/netbsd: st0(atzsc0:2:0): illegal request, data = 00 00 00 00 00 00
/netbsd: st0: cannot set select mode.
found end of tape. Load next tape and press RETURN.

This is a newly inserted tape, rewinded.
Streamer is an ARCHIVE VIPER 150 Model 2105S Rev E.

I get a strange density when query with 'mt status' (0x00).
I also couldn't get 150Mb tape, and I use 525Mb DC6525 (1020 feet)
Any problems for this ?

 |\_/|  Eric Delcamp            | Revendeur de Jeux Video
 (ô +)  Amiga User              | Neufs et Occasions
  \~/   Frizbee Corporation     | Consoles et PC
   U    DaggerFall fanatic      |