Subject: RE: BSDI to FreeBSD/NetBSD?
To: Eric Hake <>
From: Tom T. Thai <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/23/1997 15:27:27
On Mon, 23 Jun 1997, Eric Hake wrote:

> Thanks for all the replies! -- I was not aware of the concurrent user
> license restrictions in BSDI, which could be a major problem...  I'm now
> looking at some free alternatives ;^)
> John-David Childs told me about OpenBSD -- I like the strength in security,
> but being that it is based on NetBSD, I'm a little wary (I suppose all the

Can you give some reason to the above statement?  My NetBSD boxes are 
very stable and efficient.

But you can go wrong with either NetBSD, FreeBSD, or OpenBSD.

> free ones are derrivatives of the same base, so what's the difference :)
> Does anybody have a recommendation of OpenBSD over FreeBSD?  Why?
> Does source code compile on these systems using the BSDI make commands, or
> are there problems with most distributions?

you should be able to run BSDI binaries on NetBSD, FreeBSD, or OpenBSD

> Thanks in advance!

I've forward this message to the netbsd list, so maybe they can answers 
other questions you may have regarding being "wary" of NetBSD.

..............          ....................................
Thomas T. Thai          Infomedia Interactive Communications             TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087