Subject: Re: NetBSD Logo
To: Tom T. Thai <>
From: Tommy Lee <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/10/1997 14:29:24
Each architecture "sits" on a common media (abviously a network). Each
architecture has a netBSD (definitely an active red daemon) "talking" to
each other "without any problems".

How do you like this multi-architecture NetBSD logo?

Tommy C Lee                        (206) 733-8194 (phone)
Cellular Technical Services, Inc.  (206) 443-1550 (fax)
2401 Fourth Avenue, Suite 808
Seattle, Washington 98121

On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Tom T. Thai wrote:

> Just wondering if there is an official NetBSD logo?  I see the red daemon 
> used, but that is also used by FreeBSD.  If we don't have an official 
> logo, I'd be happy to do some sketches and put it up for votes.
> I think the logo should reflect:
> * "BSD" flavor (red daemon)
> * Multiarchitecture
> * Microsoft Windows (JUST KIDDING!)
> am open for other suggestions (forget it would be a good one too)
> ..............          ....................................
> Thomas T. Thai          Infomedia Interactive Communications
>             TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087