Subject: Re: Style guide
To: Justin T. Gibbs <>
From: Scott Reynolds <scottr@Plexus.COM>
List: current-users
Date: 06/05/1997 14:27:31
On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Justin T. Gibbs wrote:
> They don't ship with a fully functional compiler at all (ANSI or
> otherwise).
On the contrary; the compiler functions well enough to bring up a GNU
toolchain (which is fortunately now an option).
> However, the vendor does sell an ANSI C compiler in both of
> these cases. I don't see this as having any bearing on this issue
> since the alternative to gcc is another ANSI compiler in both of your
> examples.
As I pointed out, I'm sure you can find others, and without looking very
hard. Most NetBSD ports were started as `garage projects,' i.e. unfunded;
should we make this more difficult?