Subject: Re: ipf
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/30/1997 11:32:45 (Patrick Welche) writes:
> Has anyone else had problems with ipf since the upgrade? (port-i386)
The ipf stuff was pretty messed up the first day after the "upgrade".
Refetch it and rebuild the world. It works now. (At least it does for
I did notice that I locked myself out of the box the first time it
booted. I needed to add the following to the top of my filter rules.
pass in from any to any
pass out from any to any
Has anyone gotten the quick-route rules to work? I played with them
once, but all I got was a panic (from the network code) for my
My box is a dual-homed machine where both interfaces go to different
ISP's. Each ISP imposes security filtering based on the source IP
address. This means that I have to route a packet based on the
*source* address. A novel twist, I know. From the descrition of the
security filter, it appears that it can do that, but perhaps I'm not
using it the right way. This is what I tried (just before the machine
block out log on de0 to de1: from to any
Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
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