Subject: Re: SIGSEGV error when using big float matrix under pvm
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/17/1997 17:25:29
David Brownlee wrote:
> You are almost certainly running out of stack space.
> You should be able to get more stack space by typing
> 'unlimit stacksize'. On i386 this would increase the stack from
> 512K to 8MB, and on the sparc from 512K to 64MB.
> The other (more correct) option would be to use malloc() or
> calloc(), but I dont know how to malloc multidimentional arrays
> offhand (other than to fudge it by allocating a single dimentional
> array and passing it into a function that expects a
> multidimentional array (uck))
> eg: Something like:
float **ptr;
int m=5, n=8;
register int i;
if(ptr=(float **)calloc(m,sizeof(float *)),ptr==(float **)NULL)
{fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocation error.\n");exit(1);}
if(ptr[i]=(float *)calloc(n,sizeof(float)),ptr[i]==(float *)NULL)
{fprintf(stderr,"Memory allocation error.\n");exit(1);}