Subject: Re: APM on -current/i386
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/16/1997 13:56:06
Configure APM out of your kernel.


Michael Richardson writes:
>   I've had a series of crashes on my new AMD P133/Symbios NCR/Atlas
> (Ultra+Wide, but running at 20MB/s right now. I need to look at ncr.c).
>   It seems to happen each morning, after a lot of inactivity.
>   I find it in DDB, with a vmfault. On the console there are a bunch
> of:
>   APM set CPU idle:unknown error code? (83)
>   a) I have power management disabled in the BIOS.
> 	APM power mgmt engage (device 1)
> 	:power management disabled (1)
> 	apm0: A/C state: on
> 	apm0: battery charge state: no battery
>   b) should I configure it out of my kernel? 
>   This kernel is two weeks old. 
>    :!mcr!:            |  Network security consulting and 
>    Michael Richardson |      contract programming
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