Subject: Re: netatalk - what can I do with it?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Marc A. Boschma <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/04/1997 13:01:40
Matthias Scheler wrote:
>while reading "source-changes" I noticed that "netatalk" has been added
>to NetBSD-current. My questions is what one can do with it? Are there
>already any applications that use this stack?

Has anyone looked into AFP v2.2 which supports TCP/IP ? I have been
thinking about a samba like file server for Macs. Would Netatalk also
allow an AppleTalk interface to a AFP server for NetBSD ?

I'll have to hunt out a site for netatalk...

Marc B.
  _-_|\   Marc A. Boschma           Email:
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