Subject: Re: /etc/ftpusers
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: John F. Woods <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/31/1997 17:37:42
> I've had a proposal to add a file like /etc/ftpusers that does the
> inverse: if it exists, only users listed in that file will be
> allowed to log in via ftp. This seems like a good idea to me, and
> to avoid confusion with the names, I've also had a suggestion that
> we should remove /etc/ftpusers entirely, and have /etc/ftp.deny
> and /etc/ftp.allow files instead.
> Has anyone any comments on this?
One comment: don't needlessly frustrate people who buy network administration
texts at a bookstore. Use /etc/ftpusers if it is present, otherwise use the
more flexible deny/allow files. You can put a comment in the stock ftpusers
directing people to consider ftp.deny or ftp.allow instead.