Subject: Re: DEC uses NetBSD
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/25/1997 11:48:13
[ On Tue, March 25, 1997 at 12:18:03 (+0100), Hubert Feyrer wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: DEC uses NetBSD
> The problem with most(?) software building configurations in the FreeBSD ports
> collection is that they assume they use /usr/local for installation. I for
> myself would like to see a building-process that regards a user-setable $PREFIX
> (or whatever), that's regarded during package bilding.

So?  That's one of the things the packaging mechanism should "fix".

Luckily the growing number of tools using GNU autoconf don't have such
hard-coded notions of the state of their world.

> Besides that, some config-file which sets options for (all) packages could come
> handy, so one can say (on a system-wide basis) whether the system's US-resident
> or not, whether to use SOCKS if the package supports it, etc.

Again, this is one of the helpful features of GNU autoconf.  If we could
convince more package maintainers to convert to using it we'd be far
better off....

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 443-1734			VE3TCP			robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. <>; Secrets Of The Weird <>