Subject: Re: layered software on NetBSD
To: Scott Reynolds <scottr@Plexus.COM>
From: Rob Healey <rhealey@MR.Net>
List: current-users
Date: 03/20/1997 20:08:06
> On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, faried nawaz wrote:
> > This problem has already been solved for the FreeBSD ports system -- each
> > port comes with a list of files that will be installed.  The list is
> > stored in /var/db/pkg/prog-ver/+CONTENTS.
> Are there uninstaller tools that will only remove a file if there are no
> remaining references to it?

	I know everybody hates/loaths/despises SVR4 but this thread has
	gotten really long without anybody mentioning the fact that SVR4's
	pkg system has mostly been there, done that when it comes to
	where to install things, how to install things, how to show what
	is installed and cleanly uninstall things.

	It's a little hairy for the developer to get the install/uninstall
	scripts right but it does allow the user to select installation
	locations if done properly. See pkgmk on an SVR4 system and follow
	the twisty maze of man references all alike for details. pkginfo,
	pkgadd and pkgrm might also yield interesting info.
