Subject: Re: tcp-wrappers, tcpd, and NetBSD
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: current-users
Date: 03/16/1997 08:36:26
> I believe the utility of the ident protocol for a general Internet
> security schema is basically zero.

But you haven't said _why_ you feel this way, nor whether you're
talking about its value to someone who queries it or someone who runs
it.  For the former, there is no direct benefit; however, sites that do
trust their own pidentd info are likely to be rather unsympathetic to
complaints that don't include it.  (_I_ certainly would be.)  For the
latter, well, that's a decision each sysadmin must make.  I trust my
users-with-root-access more than I trust the rest of my users (indeed,
this is almost axiomatic), which means that running a real pidentd has
nonnegative value to me.

					der Mouse

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