Subject: Re: -current kernel hangs/init busy loops
To: Christoph Badura <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/17/1997 12:49:00
According to Christoph Badura:
>My kernels boot up to the point where it prints that it has configured
>fd0 and hangs there.  Next it would print the message about ttymask,
>netmask and biomask, but that message doesn't appear.

I got this once upon a time when I configured the kernel to swap on a
secondary device that had gone away due to some hardware
rearrangements.  It seemed like the kernel just would not accept the
fact that the other swap device was not there.

Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
  "Upgrading your memory gives you MORE RAM!" - ad in MacWAREHOUSE catalogue.