Subject: Re: Creating MS-DOS filesystems
To: Michael Parson <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/21/1997 19:30:43
> > [Amazingly, empty filesystems compress very well the second time.. from
> > 1474560 bytes to 1995 to 641 bytes, for an empty MSDOS disk!]
> Youch, why not just
> % dd if=/dev/fd0a | gzip -9 > dos.gz
Because compressing it again makes it even smaller?
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=1024 | gzip | wc -c
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=1024 | gzip -9 | wc -c
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=1024 | gzip | gzip | wc -c
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=1024 | gzip -9 | gzip -9 | wc -c
--apb (Alan Barrett)