Subject: Re: Reinstalling Includes
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/23/1996 16:22:52
>From: "Eric Delcamp" <>
>Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 18:55:51 +0100
>Unfortunately, I have deleted the whole /usr/include directory (current
>kernel & sources).
>I want to remake one, but I have a small problem :
>- some directories (netiso, netinet, sys, dev,...) are not under the source
>Should I make a link between /usr/src/sys/(theses dir.) to /usr/include or
>where is the script that copies the source to destination ?
There is no script; the system Makefiles ensure that all headers are
copied to the proper place. You can fully rebuild your /usr/include
hierarchy by running 'make includes' from /usr/src.
Mike Long <> <URL:>
VLSI Design Engineer finger for PGP public key
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