Subject: RE: Exabyte 8200 - is anyone using one successfully?
To: '' <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Burns, Scott <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/20/1996 20:46:12
Some more info on the Exabyte 8200. I just installed one on one of my
home NetBSD/i386 boxes. It is hanging off the back of a 486/66 with a
Adaptec 1542-CF. I had to disable everything except disconnect (ie.
sync/fast scsi etc) on the Adaptec, for the LUN containing the EXAbyte.
As I type this, using the same NetBSD box as a router to my office net,
it is streaming away using tar -b 128 -cvf /dev/rst0 against a DEC RZ28
with no problems.
This box is running:
NetBSD 1.2_BETA NetBSD 1.2_BETA (BCC13) #0:
Thu Sep 5 09:59:21 EDT 1996
Not quite up to date with V1.2 but close.
>From: Eric Volpe[]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 1996 4:08 AM
>Subject: Exabyte 8200 - is anyone using one successfully?
>I've been trying to use an exabyte 8200 on both i386 and pmax netbsd boxes
>without luck. depending on block size, device file, and probably the phase
>of the moon, it either crashes the machines, hangs the scsi bus completely,
>or just fails with an i/o error. I've been unable to come up with any rhyme
>or reason to what happens under which circumstances. The drive, incidentally
>is fine. IT reads and writes perfectly on the pmax under ultrix and on the
>i386 under linux.
>I would appreciate if anyone who is using an exabyte 8200 successfully would
>send me a quick summary of how you use it (dump options, blocking, etc..)
>and the jumper settings of your drive!
>thanks very much..
> eric volpe