Subject: replacements for SUP
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Boschma <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/16/1996 14:00:58
Have people looked at rsync (mentioned on this list I believe) over
something such as ssh ? (rsync -

A read only tree with the release (or current) checked out into it, and
sshd chrooted to the top of the tree could allow anonymous copying of the
tree. Different ports for different checked out versions...

A static rsync binary would reduce the security concerns.

Anyway, just an idea...

Marc B.
  _-_|\   Marc A. Boschma           Email:
 /     \  Snr. Internet Specialist  Phone: +61 3 9634 8798 Fax: +61 3 9634 5469
 \_.^\*/  Telstra Corporation       Smail: Locked Bag No. 4840
      v                                    Melbourne, VIC 8100, Australia