Subject: libedit (was Re: bin/3011: ftp could be smarter with host:/path and URL's )
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/15/1996 13:40:22
>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Thorpe <> writes:
Jason> On Thu, 12 Dec 1996 17:58:20 +0100 (MET) Olaf Seibert
Jason> <> wrote:
>> This only goes to demonstrate that command line editing and
>> stuff like that should be in a console driver (either in the
>> kernel or in a userland app such as screen). That way, *all*
>> programs benefit.
Jason> ...uhh, definitely not in the kernel :-)
I partially agree, and partially disagree.
I've been to put my $0.02 in on mouse's serial line
suggestions. We've really just come back to this discussion.
I think the TTY driver is both too big and too small.
It is too big given that most *real* ttys are being used for PPP
or other non-VDT uses. All that termios cruft, and the silos,
etc.. are just wrong for this.
Meanwhile, the pty's are being used more and more, we all use
xterm or telnetd, or sshd, to drive them. I think that the line
editing should go in the "xterm", not the application.
Also, I loath what pty's do: make us go through the kernel again.
Solaris put telnetd in the kernel. They should have provided a
telnet protocol STREAMs module, and pushed it onto a socket, and then
"named" the socket to become a /dev/pts/X. This really doesn't change
the model much though.
I think it is time to consider if there is a better model for
dealing with tty-like things. We provide a pty like facility for
applications that expect a real tty.
:!mcr!: | Network security consulting and
Michael Richardson | contract programming
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