Subject: Re: Lobby for Motif Development for NetBSD
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean Berry <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/06/1996 09:29:00
In <> Markus Illenseer <> writes:
>> If you think there is a chance of getting these software people to change
>> their minds about NetBSD I would certainly be interested in buying a
>> CDE/Motif pack from them (I would also be interested in an NetBSD-Amiga
>> vesion, but maybe this is too much to ask fo now! :-). But if not, I will
>> probably end up just using some other free OS (you know, like l*nux :-( .
>> I hope things work out.
> The last issue is of main importance and a search yielded into the
>conclusion that a Motif-Distribution is just too expensive and does not
>rectify the price of the CD-ROM (About 70 to 150$US).
I would be willing to pay $99 for a correctly done usable i386 Motif port.
That's (last time I looked) the rough price the Linux people are charging,
and is reasonable (by my perceptions) for anyone with a need for it.
Sean Berry is an ISTJ cellist who works in netbsd. (must have more toys)
I imagine someone is likely to misinterpret
my opinions as those of my various employers. This is not the case.