Subject: naming of files in /var/log (was: NetBSD master CVS tree commits)
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/04/1996 16:07:10
[ On , December 4, 1996 at 05:20:02 (-0000), wrote: ]
> Subject: NetBSD master CVS tree commits
> lukem
> Tue Dec 3 21:10:44 PST 1996
> Update of /cvsroot/src/etc
> In directory netbsd1:/home/lukem/etc
> Modified Files:
> newsyslog.conf syslog.conf
> Log Message:
> AUTHPRIV syslog messages go to /var/log/authlog instead of /var/log/secure
> (in line with other systems)
Hmm... Why are some of the syslog logs named with the redundant suffix
"log", and others without?
I'd prefer something more like this be the default:
# standard logging
*.info;kern.debug;cron.notice;mark.debug /dev/console
*.notice;;auth,mail.err;user.none /var/log/messages
# immeadiate warnings
*.alert;kern.warn;daemon.warn;user.none root,operator
*.emerg *
# note, debug should not be world readable
*.debug /var/log/debug
# note, auth should not be world readable
auth.debug /var/log/auth
cron.debug /var/log/cron
daemon.debug /var/log/daemon
kern.debug /var/log/kern
lpr.debug /var/log/lpr
mail.debug /var/log/mail /var/log/news
user.debug /var/log/user /var/log/uucp
local0.debug;local1.debug;local2.debug;local3.debug;local4.debug;local5.debug;local6.debug;local7.debug /var/log/local
Greg A. Woods
+1 416 443-1734 VE3TCP robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. <>; Secrets Of The Weird <>