Subject: Re: amd
To: Laine Stump <laine@MorningStar.Com>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/02/1996 18:25:35
>I recently saw a version of amd running on a Linux machine which would
>always display the names of automounted directories when you did an ls
>of the parent directory, even if said directories weren't currently
>mounted. This is much more convenient than the amd that is in NetBSD
>(unless it has changed since 1.2-release, in which case I'm behind the
>times). Does anyone know where to get newer amd? Any plans to update the
>amd that ships with NetBSD?
The AMD that ships with NetBSD is the BSD 4.4 one. That, I believe, is 5.2.
Version 5.3 never quite came out of beta, and there were a number of UPL
releases (Unofficial Patch Levels). Last time I looked AMD was up to
5.3UPL100 something.
One of the features added in one of the unofficial patches was the very feature
you mention. Last I hear, though, it was pretty buggy (but that was a while
ago; it might be better now).
>Also on the same subject - I once saw a statemenet that amd always
>mounted drives with NFS v2, even if the server support v3. Is this true,
>or just a wives' tale?
I am pretty sure this is actually true, unfortunately. I remember seeing
some patches to make AMD support V3, though.