Subject: Re: file size limit?
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/09/1996 10:01:15
Jukka Marin <> writes:

> jmarin@pyy /tmp %(130)ll bigfile
> -rw-------  1 jmarin  wheel  34359738369 Nov  8 22:47 bigfile
> Why only 32768 gigabytes?  I have no limit for file sizes and the partition
> is not full.  The same happens on Sparc and i386.

There are several bugs in FFS related to triple indirect blocks.
You're fortunate that the one you hit prevents you from seeing the
others.  I believe I've fixed the problems, but I want to test my
changes a bit more before committing them.