Subject: file size limit?
To: Current Users <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/08/1996 22:54:13
I got a program which lseeks and writes single bytes into a file and
reports the maximum file size allowed by a system:

jmarin@pyy /tmp %(129)~/testi
pos: 0x840000000; offset: 0x840000000
write:: File too large
jmarin@pyy /tmp %(130)ll bigfile
-rw-------  1 jmarin  wheel  34359738369 Nov  8 22:47 bigfile

Why only 32768 gigabytes?  I have no limit for file sizes and the partition
is not full.  The same happens on Sparc and i386.

Just curious - I don't have a need for such files right now. ;-)



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