Subject: Re: pthreads for NetBSD-current (fwd)
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: D. <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/08/1996 15:53:08
Indeed. The /usr/src/lib/libpthread in -current fails to compile on my
NetBSD prozac 1.2B NetBSD 1.2B (PROZAC) #10: Fri Nov 1 22:16:28 GMT 1996
metboy@prozac:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/PROZAC i386,
but the latest beta from the site below compiles cleanly, and installs fine
after one creates /usr/local/pthreads/.
I think either the old version should be purged or the new one integrated.
Forwarded message:
> From Fri Nov 8 07:32:30 1996
> Subject: Re: pthreads for NetBSD-current
> Grab the latest sources from I have done a
> lot of work on pthreads since I put the last version into the NetBSD
> tree.