Subject: Re: Current kernel has routing problems?
To: Chris G Demetriou <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/16/1996 15:26:41
On Wed, 16 Oct 1996, Chris G Demetriou wrote:

> > However, this is a point-to-point line, so pppd shouldn't really
> > care about the address of the other end. (It's not like it's got
> > any other place to send the packets.) This is the case for the pppd
> > in NetBSD 1.2, at least. So just set any address for the remote
> > end. (I use the address of one of the three Portmasters I might
> > connect to.)
> Does this actually work?

It appears to. My Sun 3/50 has been running NetBSD-1.2 for a couple
of weeks now, and I've had several very long connects (one well
over 3K minutes) through a Portmaster with a different address from
the one I'd specified in the /etc/ppp/options file. I can't imagine
that I'd be connected 57 hours and not passing packets, given that
two of us use this link, and I've also got a ten minute timeout to
drop the link outside of business hours.

I'll dredge up my /etc/ppp/options if it will be any help. (I'll
have to reboot the Sun to do it; it's gone into its `I'm going
catonic above the IP layer' mode. Perhaps something to do with
continuous swapping, poor little thing.)


Curt Sampson		Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc.	
Vancouver, BC   (604) 257-9400		De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.