Subject: Speed comparison of NetBSD 1.2 and FreeBSD-current ncr drivers
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/13/1996 16:06:21
Well, I've gotten some requests for performance comparisons, so I went
and did some... all these tests were done in single user mode. I used
dd to read 128 1MB blocks off the raw disk device, and also ran the
iozone and bonnie benchmarks.

System Info:
  100MHz Pentium, Asus P55TP4XE motherboard, 48MB RAM, 256K pipeline cache
  Asus PCI200 NCR53C810 SCSI card
  sd0: Quantum Capella XP32210 2.1GB drive (5400rpm, ~4.3 - ~6.5MB/s)
  sd1: Quantum Atlas XP32150 2.1GB drive (7200rpm, ~4.7 - ~7.9MB/s)

Filesystem info (for bonnie and iozone tests):

The filesystem on the Capella is in the middle of the drive and fsck says:
41093 files, 501313 used, 213058 free (15546 frags, 24689 blocks, 2.2% fragmentation)

The filesystem on the Atlas is also in the middle of the drive and
fsck says:
10072 files, 579258 used, 174205 free (3765 frags, 21305 blocks, 0.5% fragmentation)

time dd if=/dev/rsd0d of=/dev/null bs=1m count=128
NetBSD 1.2 driver
134217728 bytes transferred in 22 secs (6100805 bytes/sec)
       22.60 real         0.01 user         0.82 sys

New driver
134217728 bytes transferred in 23 secs (5835553 bytes/sec)
       22.62 real         0.00 user         0.92 sys

time dd if=/dev/rsd1d of=/dev/null bs=1m count=128
NetBSD 1.2 driver
134217728 bytes transferred in 47 secs (2855696 bytes/sec)
       46.94 real         0.01 user         0.82 sys

New driver
134217728 bytes transferred in 19 secs (7064090 bytes/sec)
       18.53 real         0.01 user         0.89 sys

time dd if=/dev/rsd0d of=/dev/null bs=1m count=128 & \
time dd if=/dev/rsd1d of=/dev/null bs=1m count=128
NetBSD 1.2 driver
134217728 bytes transferred in 61 secs (2200290 bytes/sec)
       60.67 real         0.00 user         0.92 sys
134217728 bytes transferred in 61 secs (2200290 bytes/sec)
       60.74 real         0.00 user         0.91 sys

New driver
134217728 bytes transferred in 29 secs (4628197 bytes/sec)
       29.50 real         0.00 user         1.04 sys
134217728 bytes transferred in 29 secs (4628197 bytes/sec)
       29.51 real         0.01 user         0.95 sys

iozone auto on Capella
NetBSD 1.2 driver

	IOZONE: Performance Test of Sequential File I/O  --  V2.01 (10/21/94)
		By Bill Norcott

	Operating System: POSIX 1003.1-1990

IOZONE: auto-test mode 

	MB      reclen  bytes/sec written   bytes/sec read      
	1       512     6990506             8738133             
	1       1024    8738133             6990506             
	1       2048    9532509             6168094             
	1       4096    9532509             6168094             
	1       8192    11650844            5825422             
	2       512     8388608             7489828             
	2       1024    11650844            6168094             
	2       2048    13107199            5667978             
	2       4096    14979657            5518821             
	2       8192    17476266            5242879             
	4       512     9532509             3615779             
	4       1024    4712701             3679214             
	4       2048    5309245             3679214             
	4       4096    5447148             3679214             
	4       8192    5518821             3615779             
	8       512     6168094             4301850             
	8       1024    5146385             4324024             
	8       2048    5592405             4346429             
	8       4096    5785246             4324024             
	8       8192    6034969             4279902             
	16      512     5500726             4660337             
	16      1024    5611109             4634590             
	16      2048    5611109             4621822             
	16      4096    5648894             4621822             
	16      8192    5726012             4596497             
Completed series of tests

New driver

	IOZONE: Performance Test of Sequential File I/O  --  V2.01 (10/21/94)
		By Bill Norcott

	Operating System: POSIX 1003.1-1990

IOZONE: auto-test mode 

	MB      reclen  bytes/sec written   bytes/sec read      
	1       512     6553600             17476266            
	1       1024    8738133             6553600             
	1       2048    10485760            6168094             
	1       4096    10485760            6168094             
	1       8192    11650844            5518821             
	2       512     8388608             7767229             
	2       1024    11037642            6355006             
	2       2048    13981013            5667978             
	2       4096    13981013            5667978             
	2       8192    19065018            5115004             
	4       512     9320675             3584875             
	4       1024    4766254             3679214             
	4       2048    5178153             3679214             
	4       4096    5447148             3615779             
	4       8192    5592405             3647220             
	8       512     6123071             4279902             
	8       1024    5053378             4324024             
	8       2048    5667978             4324024             
	8       4096    5866159             4346429             
	8       8192    6034969             4279902             
	16      512     5464891             4621822             
	16      1024    5629938             4647428             
	16      2048    5592405             4609125             
	16      4096    5629938             4634590             
	16      8192    5706536             4596497             
Completed series of tests

iozone auto on Atlas
NetBSD 1.2 driver

	IOZONE: Performance Test of Sequential File I/O  --  V2.01 (10/21/94)
		By Bill Norcott

	Operating System: POSIX 1003.1-1990

IOZONE: auto-test mode 

	MB      reclen  bytes/sec written   bytes/sec read      
	1       512     8738133             1565038             
	1       1024    11650844            5242879             
	1       2048    14979657            4993219             
	1       4096    14979657            4766254             
	1       8192    20971519            4369066             
	2       512     9118052             1613193             
	2       1024    13107199            5115004             
	2       2048    16131938            4766254             
	2       4096    19065018            4559026             
	2       8192    23301688            4369066             
	4       512     3919910             2279513             
	4       1024    4462025             2279513             
	4       2048    4660337             2291969             
	4       4096    4821039             2317295             
	4       8192    5053378             2396745             
	8       512     3994575             2389916             
	8       1024    4485886             2403612             
	8       2048    4793490             2410519             
	8       4096    4934475             2396745             
	8       8192    5178153             2369663             
	16      512     4415056             2561407             
	16      1024    3956890             2565323             
	16      2048    4052467             2565323             
	16      4096    4102008             2569252             
	16      8192    4194304             2573192             
Completed series of tests

New driver

	IOZONE: Performance Test of Sequential File I/O  --  V2.01 (10/21/94)
		By Bill Norcott

	Operating System: POSIX 1003.1-1990

IOZONE: auto-test mode 

	MB      reclen  bytes/sec written   bytes/sec read      
	1       512     9532509             2383127             
	1       1024    13107199            6990506             
	1       2048    14979657            6553599             
	1       4096    17476266            6168094             
	1       8192    20971519            5825422             
	2       512     9986438             2621440             
	2       1024    13981013            8065969             
	2       2048    17476266            7231558             
	2       4096    20971519            6990506             
	2       8192    26214399            6355006             
	4       512     10230009            3039350             
	4       1024    5667978             3813003             
	4       2048    6355006             3883614             
	4       4096    6553599             3956890             
	4       8192    6875908             3956890             
	8       512     6605203             4634590             
	8       1024    6123071             4609125             
	8       2048    6657625             4686373             
	8       4096    6710886             4660337             
	8       8192    7169750             4559026             
	16      512     7262864             5343062             
	16      1024    6737837             5464891             
	16      2048    7049250             5429519             
	16      4096    7139240             5394603             
	16      8192    6428052             5447148             
Completed series of tests

bonnie on Capella
NetBSD 1.2
              -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
              -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
Machine    MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
          100  3791 97.6  4312 14.0  1993 12.5  3398 88.7  4085 15.2  66.8  3.2

New driver
              -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
              -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
Machine    MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
          100  3831 97.9  4300 14.0  1994 12.4  1428 99.0  4071 15.2  67.2  3.2

bonnie on Atlas
NetBSD 1.2
              -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
              -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
Machine    MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
          100  3793 96.0  3725 11.7  1458  8.3  2467 63.5  2634  9.3  66.1  3.2

New driver
              -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
              -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
Machine    MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
          100  3912 99.3  5941 19.8  2357 14.6  3697 95.8  5959 22.1  74.5  3.6

Name: Dave Huang     |   Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
INet:   |   they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
FurryMUCK: Dahan     |   dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
Dahan: Hani G Y+C 20 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++