Subject: Re: Removing Empty Directories from a CVS Checkout
To: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/06/1996 16:43:28
> That's fine, but how do i get these empty directories?
> I sup into a local reference tree.
> I do an import into another CVS master tree.
> How can I remove directories and files deleted by sup in the reference tree 
> from the CVS master tree?  
> I did not find any option for cvs import that even tells me that files in the 
> CVS master tree are no longer present in the tree imported.

If you do each import with a unique label, files not present in the
baselevel you import don't get the new label.

If you do a `cvs update -rNewLabel', source files present in the
repository and not modified in the checked out tree which don't have
that label are deleted.

						- Bill