Subject: Re: g++ exception handling
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Julian Bean <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/23/1996 01:45:48
At 10:25 pm 22/9/96, I wrote:
>Has anyone had this working under NetBSD?
>I have a test project which compiles fine under gcc 2.7.2/SunOS 4 and also
>under gcc, but fails on link under NetBSD (various obvious
>exception handling utility routines are undefined).
>I will post detail bug report info when I have made sure I am at -current,
>but a full 'make' is going to take a while for my poor Mac LCIII....
>Meanwhile, i was just wondering if anyone definitely knew that it should
>work (or should not work).  I note from /usr/doc/3RDPARTY that we are
>behind the FSF on libg++ - could this be it?
>Incidentally, is there a policy reason why we haven't submitted our gnu
>utils patches to the FSF, or is it a case of "too few people; not enough

Following up to myself (tut,tut)...

I just rebuilt libg++ and libstdc++ with -current sources, and:

jelibean@elsie:/home/Deus/exceptiontest% cat                    1:41:08
// Quick test of exception handling - work out gcc's -f options.
// 22/9/96 Works on Linux and SunOS 4.1.4
//  Ben


        cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
        try {
                cout << "Testing..." << endl;
                throw 1;
                cout << "OK..." << endl;
        catch (int i)
                cout << "Caught integer exception " << i << "!" << endl;
        cout << "End of exception handling test" << endl;

jelibean@elsie:/home/Deus/exceptiontest% make                           1:41:13
g++ main.o -o test
main.o: Undefined symbol `___throw_type_match' referenced from text segment
main.o: Undefined symbol `___register_exceptions' referenced from text segment
main.o: Undefined symbol `___find_first_exception_table_match' referenced from t
ext segment
main.o: Undefined symbol `___unwind_function' referenced from text segment
*** Error code 1

jelibean@elsie:/home/Deus/exceptiontest%                                1:41:24

As the comments suggest, it works on SunOS and Linux - so what gives?


|  Jelibean aka  |           |  6 Evelyn Road      |
|  Jules aka     |                               |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   |                               |  TW9 2TF    *UK*    |
|  The 'net interprets censorship as damage, and routes around it.     |