Subject: Re: Broken badsect(8)?
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/13/1996 07:28:35
> I had, unfortunately, an opportunity to try to use badsect(8) the
> other day. Unfortunately, it didn't work, giving me an error that
> I now cannot remember (it was 3 a.m. at the time :-)) but indicating
> that it couldn't write to that device (I believe it was `device
> busy', come to think of it).

 I have experienced the same problem, and felt as silly as you not
beeing able to track down the issue. I was told the "bug" is known
and I assue it was corrected in 1.2.

 Fortunately enough, my drive seems to behave now, even though I fear
the errors will come up again.

Markus Illenseer