Subject: Re: SCSI CD changers supported?
To: Chris G Demetriou <>
From: Tom I Helbekkmo <tih@Hamartun.Priv.NO>
List: current-users
Date: 08/30/1996 18:05:23
On Thu, 29 Aug 1996, Chris G Demetriou wrote:

> that device is supposed to show up as 6.  each one being a different
> CD...
> sounds like your device may be losing; i'm pretty sure others have
> gotten them to work.

It may be a matter of getting the DIP switches on the back right.
It's got a bank of 8 switches -- four of them are marked; switches
number 1-3 define the SCSI ID and number 8 is marked "key", and
disables the eject button on the front.  I've tried individually
turning on each of the switches 4 through 7, but I always get 8 LUNs
instead of the expected 6.  I might need a combination, of course.

However, I managed to change the behavior in such a way that trying to
mount off a LUN other than 0 gave me "bad superblock" errors instead
of just mounting LUN 0.  This means that the unmarked switches have a
purpose, and I just need documentation.  Unfortunately, when I called
Pioneer here in Norway, they were unable to help me; the service tech
I spoke to found what he believed to be documentation for the switch
settings on the DRM-610, but it conflicted with the marking.

Anyone happen to have a DRM-610 manual?  I'd really appreciate it if
someone could send me a description of the DIP switch settings!

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo