Subject: Re: new lkm stuff ?
To: Kevin P. Neal <>
From: Justin T. Gibbs <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/25/1996 23:40:48
>The idea of Linux loading/unloading kernel modules on the fly in a running
>system bothers me, and strikes me as a hell of a security hole if an
>intruder gains the ability to write to the root filesystem. Let's not go
>that route, please.

It would be interesting to know how NT can allow you to do this yet
maintain C2 certification.  Hmmm.

>XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore, Comp. Sci. \
>XCOMM  "Corrected!" -- Old Amiga tips file  \
>XCOMM Visit the House of Retrocomputing:    /      Perm. Email:
>XCOMM   /

Justin T. Gibbs
  FreeBSD: Turning PCs into workstations