Subject: Re: Item of future thought: disklabels
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/26/1996 21:16:06
On Fri, 26 Jul 1996, Monroe Williams wrote:
: >Currently the disklabel is dependant on the structure alignment too :-(
: Wait a minute...
: Do you mean to say that even native NetBSD disklabels on different
: architectures with the _same_ byte-order may have different layouts?!?
Absolutely. They have to be different to be compatible with the various
machines' boot ROMs. Amiga Rigid Disk Block (RDB) disklabel for Amiga;
HP300 HP-UX disklabel for HP300; SunOS style disklabel for Sun3... and all
three of these are not only the same byte order, but the same processor!
== Todd Vierling (Personal; Business Amiga lives! ==
== System administrator/technician, Internet Access Group, Orlando Florida ==
== Dialups in Orange, Volusia, Lake, Osceola counties - ==