To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/24/1996 09:13:51
	I am using a port-i386 box here, but I believe my questions are general
enough for all ports.

When I went to build a kernel on a penteom with an IDE interface, I used a
line of the form:
config netbsd root on wd0 swap on wd0 and sd0 and vnd0 and vnd1

	When I configged the kernel, I was told that there was no sd0 
configured.  This is corect, but shouldn't one be able to build kernels for
machines that have SCSI interfaces on non-SCSI ready machines?  Is there a
way to override this warning, short of hacking config to simply issue it as
a warning?

	On another note, is anyone working on the ability to dynamically add swap
devices to the kernel?  Sometimes it would sure be nice to be able to just
add some swap without having to go to the trouble of remembering to
configure in a couple of vnds for swapping.

-thanks for your time in advance.