Subject: Re: Keith Bostic: MS Press Release - Common Internet File System (CIFS) (fwd)
To: Justin T. Gibbs <>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/25/1996 23:16:38
In some email I received from Justin T. Gibbs, sie wrote:
> >
> >Linux 2.0 has SMBFS.
> How does it work? Does it require every user to mount the filesystem
> to their own mount point to register their credentials?
I've no idea and I'm not sure I want to try.
I tried to mount a ufs filesystem under 2.0 (which it supposedly supports)
and that didn't work very well at all (was my freebsd root partition,
wd0s1a - netbsd is wd1s2a :): the command hung, so I'm not sure if it
just couldn't handle the partition/slice thing or what.
Nevertheless, this hasn't encouraged me to try mounting smbfs.
(Probably need a version of mount which I don't have and really can't
be bothered downloading).