Subject: Re: Keith Bostic: MS Press Release - Common Internet File System (CIFS) (fwd)
To: Justin T. Gibbs <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/24/1996 20:11:16
>>Linux 2.0 has SMBFS.
>How does it work? Does it require every user to mount the filesystem
>to their own mount point to register their credentials?
I have never used Linux SMBFS. I have used Windows remote filesystem
services. You only need to authenticate if you're going to access
secure shares. If you're just accessing a public site, maybe a shared
ftp site, you can access it as "Everyone" -- kind of the MS equivelent
of the Unix "nobody". So, share a dir out to "Everyone" with
read-only access.
With that in place, you don't have to make a connection to access a
share -- that's the nice thing about it. You can scan the share
without making a permanent connection:
dir \\somemachine\someshare\somedir\somefile
copy \\othermachine\othershare\otherfile \\mine\private\incoming\
Michael L. VanLoon
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