Subject: i386 com driver, bounce buffers...
To: (NetBSD/current-users Maillist) <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/29/1996 16:58:34
	There are a number of programs/changes for NetBSD that are not in
	the tree either because they are not 'architecturally clean'
	enough, or that they are in the process of being rewritten.
	Some of the more obvious ones would be

		i386 support for >16mb & isa DMA
		an i386 com driver that works on more hardware.
		pcmcia support 
	In the case of pcmcia John Khol supports a set of patches that
	can be applied to a -current (& 1.1) source tree.
	I cant get through to at the moment, but I would
	hop there is a link to his work from the i386 www page.

	Would it be possible for the two 'controversial' i386 patch sets
	to be similarly supported by their authors, with a link from the
	i386 www page, so those that _really_ need them to get their
	systems working can use these 'unofficial' patches while waiting
	for a correct MI implementation to be produced.

	I know this might incline some people to 'put the problems to
	one side' and not work in the MI fixes as patches exist, but
	it would stop these being such a perennial thorn in NetBSD's
	side.. which has to be worth quite a bit.

	Alternatively, can someone tell me why this is a bad idea?

                   David/abs             (

 System Manager, Southern Studios, Box 59, London N22 1AR.  +44 181 888 8949    ---<Monochrome>---   (** Largest UK Internet BBS **) _/Free-un*x alpha,amiga,arm32,atari,hp300,i386,mac68k \mvme68k,mvme88k,pc532,pica,pmax,sparc,sun3,vax,x68k