Subject: Strange messages that I'm getting...
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/13/1996 21:12:32
	I don't know if this is a 386-specific problem, but I've got a
somewhat close to current userland running on a 386.  The message
below happens whenever perror() is called, I think (judging by the
fact that many types of file not present errors get reported this way
by the 386).

	Has anyone seen this before?  I have checked that
/usr/share/nls/C/ exists and is resonably new (to the last
install), but I can't quite figure out what the problem is.

[2:13:313]root@strike:/etc/uucp> ll foo
Message Catalog System: /usr/share/nls/C/ is version 16777216, we need 1.
Message Catalog System: /usr/share/nls/C/ is version 16777216, we need 1.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

[2:14:314]root@strike:/etc/uucp> ll /usr/share/nls/C
total 20
-r--r--r--  1 bin  bin  5078 May  5 21:20 .nfsA6d274.4
-r--r--r--  1 bin  bin  5078 May 13 16:46

	(Note that I just tried remaking and reinstalling today).


|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario.  | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:         |  equal if and only if they |
|               |   are precisely opposite.  |